Humor topic

Gestart door kevin, 19 maart 2003 - 20:37:47

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Jep, that's it :wink:

Die kerel met zijn toeterkes is keineig om te zien, chapeau voor die kerel om dat zo te kunnen.
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.


inderdaad, ij zal daar ook wel veel voor geoefend hebben denk ik :shock: -> Help de commnunity en registreer (je kan je account voor de site ook gebruiken voor het forum)


Citaat van: WutputtJep, that's it :wink:

Die kerel met zijn toeterkes is keineig om te zien, chapeau voor die kerel om dat zo te kunnen.

In de jaren 50-60 hadden we in Nederland Toby Rix, de toeteraar.
Die deed dit ook al.
Maar blijft leuk om te zien.


jaren 50-60, dat is van voor mijnen tijd :D

Dan ook chapeau voor Toby Rix zeker, als die dat nog eerder deed.
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.


Citaat van: Wutputt
Citaat van: kevinDit is echt te gek! Heel raar!
Open eens een blanco Word document en typ:
druk dan op enter nen wacht dan 3 seconden.
Je zult niet geloven wat je ziet !!!
Zelfs Microsoft kan dit niet verklaren !!!
Volgens mij weet Microsoft dit wel aangezien die tekst elke letter van het alfabet bevat. Hiermee kan men dan de lettertypes testen.

typ 'ns in:
=rand(1,1) dan krijgt ge trouwens maar 1 zinneke :wink:
Het eerste nummerke duidt op het aantal rijen en het tweede op het aantal kolommen van die bepaalde tekst.
rand(10,1) geeft dit dus 10x onder elkaar
rand(1,10) geeft dit dus 10x naast elkaar (aangezien uw blad ni lang genoeg is komen die wel onder elkaar te staan)

Ik heb berichtje gewoon binnengekregen via mail. M.a.w. ik wist dus niet of Microsoft hier al dan niet van op de hoogte was.

Schumacher rulez!


Niet alles geloven wat uw mailbox binnenstroomt, hé :wink:  :D
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.



Uit veiligheidsoverwegingen in het
kader van de bestrijding van de
vogelpest vraagt de Vlaamse overheid
U en alle andere kiekens binnen te blijven.
Schumacher rulez!


> >  > >> > Lees eerst dit en kijk dan naar het antwoord onderaan deze mail:
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> > > > >> > Als je leest 'de penis van Jezus' ben je weer bezig met seks.
> > > > >> >
> > > > >> > Als je leest 'de pen is van je zus' ben je niet bij de personen
> die
> > > om
> > > > >>de
> > > > >> > 2 seconden aan seks denken.
Schumacher rulez!

Alan Blues

"War continues in Iraq. They're  calling it Operation Iraqi Freedom. They
were going to call it Operation  Iraqi Liberation until they realized that
spells 'OIL.'" .Jay  Leno

"Yesterday, the president met with a group he calls the coalition  of the
willing. Or, as the rest of the world calls them, Britain and  Spain." Jon

"According to the New York Times, Saddam Hussein  has mined all his oil
fields, planted bombs in all his major cities, he's  got bombs in the
military installations, in the airports, and he's mined  all the government
buildings. There's not much left for us to do, really."  .Jay Leno

"Good news for Iraq. There's a 50 percent chance that  President Bush will
confuse it with Iran." .Craig Kilborn

"President  Bush spent last night calling world leaders to support the war
with Iraq  and it is sad when the most powerful man on earth is yelling, 'I
know  you're there, pick up, pick up." .Craig Kilborn

"President Bush spent  the day calling names he couldn't pronounce in
countries he never knew  existed." .Jay Leno

"President Bush found out something this week.  Between the countries of
Camaroone, Chile, Angola and Syria, Angola plays  the best music when they
put you on hold." .Craig Kilborn

"As you  all know we're about to start March Madness. That's NCAA college
basketball  tournament when they start with 64 teams and you whittle them
down to just  one, you know kind of like our allies." .Jay Leno

"CNN said that after  the war, there is a plan to divide Iraq into three
parts ... regular,  premium and unleaded." .Jay Leno

"Turkey  has voted not to allow U.S. troops into their country and Saddam
Hussein  said 'You can do that?'" .Jay Leno

"A lot of students around the  country protested the war today. The
Youth and Student Peace  Coalition sponsored an anti-war organization
'Books Not Bombs.'  President Bush said, 'Why do you want to drop
books on them?'" .Jay  Leno

"My wife wanted to go somewhere expensive for the weekend. So, I  took her
down the street to the local Texaco." .Jay Leno

"Experts  say that if we go to war with Iraq, oil could reach as much as
a  barrel. Of course, after the war it will be free." .Jay Leno

"Saddam  Hussein also challenged President Bush to a debate. The Butcher of
Baghdad  vs. the Butcher of the English language." .Jay Leno

"President Bush  announced tonight that he believes in democracy and that
democracy can  exist in Iraq. They can have a strong economy, they can
have a good health  care plan, and they can have a free and fair voting.
We can't even  get this in Florida." .Jay Leno

"In an interview with Dan Rather,  Saddam has challenged President Bush to
live, televised debate. I think  this would be fair, since English is a
second language to both of them."  .Jay Leno

"President Bush has said that he does not need approval from  the UN to
war, and I'm thinking, well, hell, he didn't need the  approval of the
American voters to become president, either." .David  Letterman

"In a speech earlier today President Bush said if Iraq  gets rid of Saddam
Hussein, he will help the Iraqi people with food,  medicine, supplies,
housing, education . anything that's needed. Isn't that  amazing? He
comes up with a domestic agenda . and it's for Iraq.  Maybe we
could bring that here if it works out." .Jay  Leno

"Secretary of State Colin Powell addressed the United Nations  Security
Council, offering a compelling 90-minute presentation that not  only
furthered his case but reminded the world why America is second to  none in
the field of PowerPoint." .Jay Leno

"You know why the French  don't want to bomb Saddam Hussein? Because he
America, he loves  mistresses and wears a beret. He is French, people."
.Conan  O'Brien

"The state of Texas executed its third prison inmate this week.  This week.
In fact, they don't even have a last meal anymore, now it's a  buffet."

"I read today that the president was interrupted  73 times by applause and
times by really big words." .Jay  Leno

"This week officials from France, Russia and Germany accused  President
of having a fondness for war. Yeah, when asked about it, a  spokesman for
Bush said, 'It's a one syllable word, of course he's fond  of
it.'"  .Conan O'Brien

Bart VD

Citaat van: Alan Blues"War continues in Iraq. They're  calling it Operation Iraqi Freedom...

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
This space for rent



Citaat van: ericnog eentje van Bush...

Heeel grappig, alleen een beetje spijtig van Bush zijn stem dat ze niet zo goed is -> klik daar op de foto van Saddam->en daarachter klik je op "maak je eigen Bush speech. Heel moeilijk maar wel doodgrappig -> Help de commnunity en registreer (je kan je account voor de site ook gebruiken voor het forum)

Magic Senna

Dit moet je eens zien , gewoon hilarisch :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


Citaat van: Magic SennaDit moet je eens zien , gewoon hilarisch :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

1 van de beste dak al gezien en gehoord heb  :wink:
You shoot me in a dream, you better wake up and apologize.


idd, zeer grappig, ik vind "its time to bomb Saddam" toch ietsje beter (no offence :wink: ) -> Help de commnunity en registreer (je kan je account voor de site ook gebruiken voor het forum)