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Berichten - HT

Citaat van: robbert op 16 april 2011 - 15:44:05
mja, je kan gelijk hebben. Maar zou het ook niet te maken hebben met het feit dat de kers wat probleemachtig is. Dat Vettel wachtte tot de monteurs zeggen dat de wagen volledig ontladen is voor zijn eigen veiligheid?
Hij was gewoon aan wachten op  een teken van de FIA zodat hij eruit mocht komen.
interview : van site
uitleg : Sebastian, you sat in the car for two minutes when you finally came into parce ferme before you were given the thumbs up to get out. What was the reason behind that?
SV: Well it was pretty easy. With the new regulations and the fixed weight distribution the FIA has the chance whenever they want to check that and unless I get a thumbs up and it is okay from an official that I can jump out of the car I have to remain seated. Otherwise, if I do it the other way around I might get into trouble. Maybe I didn't see him or didn't see the steward the first time so I ended up waiting and waiting until we clarified and someone said okay it is good to go out.