Round 12: Shell Belgian Grand Prix, Spa Francorchamps

Gestart door Enzo, 27 augustus 2012 - 23:56:40

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Franky R.

Citaat van: Sabai op 03 september 2012 - 16:38:12
Citaat van: rafael25 op 03 september 2012 - 16:26:23
telemetry van zijn wagen(Hamilton)

Whitmarsh vertelde zelf dat ze lewis gevraagd hadden het eraf te halen waarna hij dit deed, maar beetje te laat!!

Handig voor de concurenten  ;) zullen ze bij mc laren wel blij mee geweest zijn.

Erg dom en onnadenkend van Lewis, terwijl hij toch zelf heeft besloten om die oude vleugel te gebruiken? Maar of dit bruikbaar is? Ja, mits een engineer een afdruk van een andere telemetrie eroverheen legt. Dan zien de meteen de verschillen tussen de McLaren en hun eigen auto.

Echter, als dat team een Renault heeft, dan hebben ze er weinig aan, aangezien de Mercedes zijn power heel anders ontplooit.

En nogmaals, Lewis reed met de oude vleugel. Da's niet zo interessant...Ik weet bijna zeker dat men liever telemetriegegevens van Button zou willen hebben... ;)


Nou, het schijnt toch best waardevol te zijn. Mclaren is het wat aan het downplayen, maar de concurentie is er erg blij mee.
Je kan er oa de rijhoogte uit afleiden wat van vitaal belang is.
Hier wat reacties op Lewis z'n blunder, met name die van Wurz is grappig... ::)

Whitmarsh: "He misjudged the situation. All the other ones we didn't ask him to remove, but that one he removed and apologised. He wasn't thinking clearly, obviously."

Paddy Lowe: "I've had several engineers approach me and comment on it. It wasn't great," "But in reality it wasn't great more in the sense that we don't share data with the world. The actual data in there is not going to be of any great use to any of our competitors, I would say," he added.

McLaren driver Alex Wurz- "Could you also tweet the race strategy and set up sheet. Thanks mate "

Red Bull boss Christian Horner- "I'm sure every engineer in the pit lane is having a very close look at it", adding that if his drivers did the same it would be "a breach of confidentiality effectively".

James Allen- 'Hamilton has been using increasingly colourful language in his tweets, using the term "mofo" the other day and talking about his "homies".'

Gary Anderson- "That is completely unacceptable," continues the Northern Irishman, who has designed race-winning F1 cars. "While it does not reveal anything too significant, to open up that cupboard of information just shows how naïve Hamilton is, how little he understands the big picture. F1 is about being secret squirrel."

Jenson Button- "I'll say disappointed," Button replied when asked what he felt about the incident. "We work so hard to improve the car and to keep things like that private."
"It's more the information that we work so hard to keep secret and private, that was the thing I didn't want to see on Twitter

"The aerodynamic map of the car would enable McLaren to show "what drag and downforce Ferrari was getting for given ride height and wings," Hughes says. Downforce and drag are always at odds in Formula One, one delivering better handling, the other increasing speed. Knowing how an opponent has managed this issue, Hughes points out, can help you determine how to adjust your own car and can be vital to knowing where the other team is going to be weak."


Citaat van: Enzo op 04 september 2012 - 11:58:42
Nou, het schijnt toch best waardevol te zijn. Mclaren is het wat aan het downplayen, maar de concurentie is er erg blij mee.
Je kan er oa de rijhoogte uit afleiden wat van vitaal belang is.
Hier wat reacties op Lewis z'n blunder, met name die van Wurz is grappig... ::)

Whitmarsh: "He misjudged the situation. All the other ones we didn't ask him to remove, but that one he removed and apologised. He wasn't thinking clearly, obviously."

Paddy Lowe: "I've had several engineers approach me and comment on it. It wasn't great," "But in reality it wasn't great more in the sense that we don't share data with the world. The actual data in there is not going to be of any great use to any of our competitors, I would say," he added.

McLaren driver Alex Wurz- "Could you also tweet the race strategy and set up sheet. Thanks mate "

Red Bull boss Christian Horner- "I'm sure every engineer in the pit lane is having a very close look at it", adding that if his drivers did the same it would be "a breach of confidentiality effectively".

James Allen- 'Hamilton has been using increasingly colourful language in his tweets, using the term "mofo" the other day and talking about his "homies".'

Gary Anderson- "That is completely unacceptable," continues the Northern Irishman, who has designed race-winning F1 cars. "While it does not reveal anything too significant, to open up that cupboard of information just shows how naïve Hamilton is, how little he understands the big picture. F1 is about being secret squirrel."

Jenson Button- "I'll say disappointed," Button replied when asked what he felt about the incident. "We work so hard to improve the car and to keep things like that private."
"It's more the information that we work so hard to keep secret and private, that was the thing I didn't want to see on Twitter

"The aerodynamic map of the car would enable McLaren to show "what drag and downforce Ferrari was getting for given ride height and wings," Hughes says. Downforce and drag are always at odds in Formula One, one delivering better handling, the other increasing speed. Knowing how an opponent has managed this issue, Hughes points out, can help you determine how to adjust your own car and can be vital to knowing where the other team is going to be weak."

Sja... is wel ontzettend dom van Hamilton natuurlijk... Wat dacht die gozer.


Citaat van: Enzo op 04 september 2012 - 11:58:42
Nou, het schijnt toch best waardevol te zijn. Mclaren is het wat aan het downplayen, maar de concurentie is er erg blij mee.
Je kan er oa de rijhoogte uit afleiden wat van vitaal belang is.

Das allemaal leuk en aardig, maar wat heeft de concurentie daar dan aan ??
Ik bedoel ..... het is prachtig dat Lewis rondreed met bv 'n rijhoogte van 12 cm, maar dat dit voor McLaren goed werkt wil niet zeggen dat dit ook voor 'n Ferrari of Red Bull geld.
Zelfde geld voor vleugelafstellingen enz.
Daarbij komt nog eens dat ze bij die andere teams zelf ook wel op het idee kunnen komen om de rijhoogte etc. te wijzigen wanneer ze niet snel genoeg zijn.
Oke ... ik begrijp dat het niet handig is om dat soort zaken de wereld in te helpen, maar ik denk niet dat hij zichzelf hiermee benadeeld heeft.