GPRO - Grand Prix Racing Online - Best F1 manager game!

Gestart door maartentk, 30 november 2009 - 18:07:25

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GPRO is een online F1 manager spel die ik sinds enige tijd speel en ik ben er echt verslaafd aan (net als ~ 120 000 andere managers)

Omschrijving van GPRO:

Grand Prix Racing Online is a free web based motor sport management game, where you get to control and influence a team of your own. Starting out with a basic car you can try and win your way through to the top division to become the best manager and win the Elite group title.

Just like in Formula 1 or any motor sports, you will have to work hard in order to be succesful in this management game. There will be many things you have to take care of, like hiring drivers and technical directors, setting up your car for qualification and races, managing staff and facilities, negotiating with sponsors and more besides.

There are 17 races per season, with two races per week, and you can spend as little as an hour per week managing your team. But as with most things, the more you put in, the more you will get out and that extra effort in selecting your driver or setting up your car could be the difference between Promotion and Relegation.

You will be able to watch the races live and enjoy the chat with other managers in your group and other divisions, see how your driver performs in each race, and decide the best race strategy according to your driver stats and weather predictions. You can create teams with your friends or with people from across the world that you have never met before to compete in the teams championship. All this can be done with a simple browser from your home or work at any time! There is nothing to download at all.

GPRO is in continual development, and for that reason we are open to suggestions from our players. This can be done in our extensive forums, or our own internal Private Messaging System. There are always great people online that will read and share your thoughts about mostly anything, there is even a F1 forum!

If you are a big fan of F1 and motor sports, want to be part of a great and friendly community, enjoy discussing F1 races with people around the world, and like manager and multiplayer games, then apply now for free and be part of a fantastic game!

Have fun!

Als je vragen hebt: shoot!



Ik heb het wel eens gedaan, maar vind het erg ingewikkeld vergeleken met F1portal. Op zo'n manier gaat er veel meer tijd in zitten, of is het meer een kwestie van wennen?


F1portal ken ik niet, ik ga eens een kijkje nemen
Je moet wel wat wennen aan GPRO en het beste is om zo snel mogelijk in een team terecht te komen
Ik wil je gerust op weg helpen


Bij GPRO gaat er net een nieuw seizoen beginnen en de layout is ook helemaal vernieuwd. Nu is het moment om in te schrijven en mee te spelen.

Als je hulp nodig hebt kan je hier antwoorden of mij pm'en in het spel



Bedankt voor alle leuke spam. Gelieve er wat mee op te houden, we hebben hier zelf een managerspel.  ;)